QTK 2a Right to bear arms "Ruger" MH

DOB: 07/05/2020 | WT: 74 lbs
Miss Ruger is the daughter of our Ruby. The one word that describes Ruger is “Stunning”. Her physical structure and looks are gorgeous. Her personality bring the most loving and sweetest Labrador who absolutely loves to please. Ruger has been the perfect puppy. She also was incredible in training and obtained her AKC Master Hunter Title before she was 2 years old!!!! She also qualified for Master Nationals before 2 years old. Ruger is an excellent marking dog, with an amazing sense of smell. She is an amazing team player who wants to please. Ruger’s personality shows how sweet she is when plays and mothers all of the puppies at our home, plays with all of our dogs, visits and provides comfort to guests at the nursing homes and to any guests at our home.
Ruger spends time in fall season hunting. Pheasant hunting, and duck hunting. She is a phenomenal natural point as well!