QTK Calm after the storm sh MH

DOB: 12/09/21 | WT: 70 lbs
Sunny is a stunning 70 pound Fox Red female. One word to describe Sunny is “Gorgeous”. She is rock solid and muscular with a gorgeous head, dark lined eyes, and a beautiful shiny coat. And her personality matches her looks, beautiful! When it comes to retriever work in the field, Sunny is an excellent marker, compliant, and a team player. Water retrieves are a breeze for Sunny because she absolutely loves to be in the water. She is a sister to “Storm” (Field Trial). Sunny is trained for AKC Hunt Tests and is currently titled with an AKC Senior Master Hunter Title. She is continuing her training for her Field Trials, Quals, and hunting in the fall. After her earning Master Hunter Title, Sunny will continue to train and compete in AKC Field Trials. She has the fire in her belly to retrieve with the talent to succeed. She is biddable, intelligent, with excellent line manners. Her drive and desire to learn is amazing and so rewarding to see. She is fun to train, fun to hunt with, and fun to have in the home! Sunny’s name fits her to perfectly; she brightens the day everywhere she goes!
She will definitely want to cuddle with you on the couch while watching a movie or a training video or a hunting show… She has an off-switch that allows her to be the perfect all-around dog.